What is an unclaimed organisation?

How to deal with unclaimed organisations.

During a data migration, a lot of data is migrated. Part of this is the organisations. During the migration, each organisation administrator receives an e-mail to activate his or her account. Not every administrator complies. This is how an unclaimed organisation is created. An unclaimed organisation is one that does not have an active/registered administrator.

How do I see if an organisation is claimed or not?

There are several ways to see whether an organisation is claimed or not. In the data screen you can see this clearly and ordered.

  1. Click on your profile icon and go to the Administration Panel

  2. Click on "Organisations". This will open the data menu.

  3. Scroll as far as possible to the right. Here you will see the heading "Claimed". See the image below.

4. Click on the check mark to see all claimed organisations, or click on the cross to see unclaimed organisations.

5. If you click on the organisation, you will see an additional confirmation that it is unclaimed, as shown in the picture below.


How do I activate an organisation?

There are two active ways to activate a domain. One is by activating the administrator, and the other is by adding a new admin.

  • Activating an admin

If you follow the steps mentioned earlier, you will see that the administrator in question has a question mark next to his or her name. See the picture below:

Click on the icon with the question mark and a pop-up will appear with information about the admin. This often includes a phone number and always an e-mail address. Send him or her an e-mail to indicate that his or her account still has to be activated and therefore the organisation is still unclaimed. Maybe he or she will miss out on volunteers, or volunteers will not get an answer. Questions on how to create an account can be found in this article. If he or she wants to activate the organisation, the password must be requested again. How that is done can be found in this article.

  • Adding a new admin

Another option is to add a new admin. This may be useful if, for example, he or she no longer uses his or her e-mail address, there has been a "changing of the guard", or other personal matters. You can add an administrator by following the first step, which will take you to the relevant organisation page. Then click on the button "+ Add administrator". The further steps can be found in this article.