Data and analytics for platform admins

Analytics overview. Data overview. Manage opportunities / activities. Share insights. Visualize impact. Charts. Graphs. Tables. Figures. Numbers.

Data and Analytics provide platform administrators with the tools to easily manage their users, organizations, opportunities, applications, and activity reports. It helps with reporting and visualizing the impact the platform generates.

  • The data tables show the current state of the platform. It is a user-friendly representation of the underlying database where the data for the entire Deedmob site is stored. They are not focused on the past, only on the present.

    Using the tables, you have access to all your data and by adding new columns, your platform can even function as your own CRM-light. You can also export your data for more extensive analysis.
  • The analytics are very different. These charts show either sums — for example to provide insight into SDG usage — or historical data over time, such as in the case of "applications by type".

    With analytics, you can report on various parameters on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual basis (based on the data mentioned above). The charts and figures can be used for all kinds of analysis and reporting.

Our platforms offer insightful Data and Analytics on three levels (and sometimes four):

  1. Activity reports per user.
  2. Data & Analytics for organizations.
  3. Data & Analytics at platform level.
  4. In some cases, there is a fourth level in the form of an administration panel that combines data from different platforms.

Web Analytics: insights regarding the traffic that visits our platforms are offered via Fathom Analytics - a privacy-friendly alternative to Google Analytics. In this article you can read more about how to use web analytics.



Data overview

With the help of the Data tables you have access to all data and by adding new columns your platform can even function as your own CRM light. You can also export your data for deeper analyses.

You go to the data overview via the administration panel. You get there by following the following path: profile icon > administration panel > data.

Below you can see which data is available via the different tabs.

  • Organizations: all organizations that are registered on your platform. Here you can quickly see what type of organization it is, who the administrators are, how many applications they have and within which categories they fall. If you click on the name you will be directed to the organization page.
  • Users: all users that are registered on your platform. Here you can quickly see whether they are members of organizations, which pools they are members of and what their preferences are. If you click on a name their mini profile will appear.
  • Opportunities: all opportunities that are registered on your platform. Here you can quickly see who the contact person is, what the status is, how many applications there are and what characteristics he has. If you click on the title you will be taken to the page of the opportunity.
  • Applications: all applications for opportunities that are registered on your platform. Here you can quickly see who the applicant/contact person is, what the status is, which messages have been sent and what type of opportunity it is. If you click on the number of messages you can read the conversation again.
  • Activity reports: all activity reports that are registered on your platform. Here you can quickly see who the report is from, what the status is, how many hours it concerns and whether documents have been added. If you click on "detail" you can easily view the entire report and edit it if necessary.

IMPORTANT: Users, Opportunities and Organizations are variable terms that can be adjusted per platform. So the terminology on your platform may be slightly different.

Sorting, filtering and searching

Many of you work from the data overview on a daily basis. With the tools below you can quickly find what you are looking for.

  • You can sort the tables based on a specific column with the arrows in the upper right corner of that specific column.
  • You can filter the tables based on specific characteristics if the column has a filter button.
  • You can search directly for a specific row if a column has a search field.

There is a lot of information to be extracted, but did you know that you can also add information yourself? With these tips & tricks you can completely customize the data tables to your liking.



Analytics overview

With Analytics you can report on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual basis on various parameters (based on the above data). The charts and figures can be used for all kinds of analyses and reports.

You go to Analytics via the administration panel. You get there by following the following path: profile icon > administration panel > analytics. The analytics homepage shows an overview of the total number per data type.

Below we go through each section for deeper insights.

Tips & Tricks

Some graphs and tables can be filtered based on postcode groups. This is useful if you want to compare the data of certain neighborhoods / regions.



You can show / hide certain types of data by clicking on the parameter.



There are several ways to look at applications.

  • By type
    • The line charts count applications per opportunity type. Each line represents the number of applications with the given status on that day or within that month, during the selected time frame.
    • The bar charts count applications per opportunity type. Each bar represents the number of applications that received the given status on that day or within that month, during the selected time frame.
  • By goal
    • This pie chart counts the applications made during the selected time frame. It counts the number of applications that are linked to a specific goal via their opportunity. An application that is linked to multiple goals counts for each goal.
  • By SDG (if enabled on the platform)
    • This pie chart counts the applications made during the selected time frame. It counts the number of applications that are linked to a specific SDG, via their opportunity. An application that is linked to multiple SDGs counts for each SDG.
  • By origin (normal or via the volunteer pool)
    • The line charts count the applications based on their origin (how the application was made). Each line represents the number of applications with the given status on that day or within that month, during the selected time frame.
    • The bar charts count applications based on their origin (how the application was made). Each bar represents the number of applications that received the given status on that day or within that month, during the selected time frame.

Activity Hours

There are several ways to look at activity hours.

  • By Type
    • The line charts count activity hours by opportunity type. Each line represents the number of applications with the given status on that day or within that month, during the selected time frame.
    • The bar charts count activity hours by opportunity type. Each bar represents the number of applications that received the given status on that day or within that month, during the selected time frame.
  • By cause
    • This pie chart counts the activity hours created during the selected time frame. It represents the number of activity hours that are linked to a specific cause via their opportunity. Activity hours that are linked to multiple causes count towards each cause.
  • By SDG (if enabled on the platform)
    • This pie chart counts the activity hours created during the selected time frame. It represents the number of activity hours that are linked to a specific SDG, via their opportunity. Activity hours that are linked to multiple SDGs count towards each SDG.


Opportunities can be viewed in several ways.

  • By type
    • The line chart shows the number of opportunities (by opportunity type) on that day or within that month, during the selected time frame → broken down by status shows the number of opportunities with the given status on that day or within that month, during the selected time frame.
    • The bar chart shows the number of opportunities (by opportunity type) on that day or within that month, during the selected time frame → broken down by status shows the number of opportunities that received the given status on that day or within that month, during the selected time frame.
  • By page views
    • This table shows the top-100 pages with the most views (that meet the filter, if applicable). The totals include all page views for the selected time frame (that meet the filter, if applicable). The totals therefore also include page views that are not shown in the table. It only shows the url's of opportunity pages.
  • By cause
    • This pie chart counts the opportunities created during the selected time frame. It shows the number of activities linked to a specific cause. Opportunities linked to multiple causes count for each cause → You can filter opportunities based on their current status (open, closed).
  • By activity
    • This pie chart counts the opportunities created during the selected time frame. It shows the number of opportunities linked to a specific activity type. Opportunities linked to multiple activity types count for each type → You can filter opportunities based on their current status (open, closed).
  • By commitment
    • This pie chart counts the opportunities created during the selected time frame. It shows the number of opportunities based on their required commitment → You can filter opportunities based on their current status (open, closed).
  • On a map
    • This map shows opportunities created during the selected time frame. It shows their location. Opportunities without a location are displayed by the organization's address → You can filter opportunities based on their current status (open, closed).
  • By SDG (if enabled on the platform)
    • This pie chart counts the opportunities created during the selected time frame. It shows the number of opportunities linked to a specific SDG. Opportunities linked to multiple SDGs count for each SDG → You can filter opportunities based on their current status (open, closed).


There are several ways to look at users.

  • Registered
    • This chart counts the total number of users per type. Each line represents the number of users per type, at that point in time.
  • On a map
    • This map shows all users per type at this time. Users without a location are not shown.
  • In the volunteer pool
    • The line chart counts the number of users who are in the volunteer pool, at that point in time.
    • The bar charts show the number of users who signed up for the volunteer pool on that day or within that month, during the selected time frame.
  • That left the volunteer pool
    • The line chart counts the number of users who left the volunteer pool, during the selected time frame. Each line represents the number of users who left the volunteer pool on that day or within that month, grouped by reason (manual, automatic, match).
    • The bar chart counts the number of users who left the volunteer pool, during the selected time frame. Each bar represents the number of users who left the volunteer pool on that day or within that month, grouped by reason (manual, automatic, match).


Organisations can be viewed in multiple ways.

  • Active
    • This number indicates the number of organizations that were active (at least one active administrator) during the selected time frame.
  • Registered
    • The line chart counts the total number of organisations. The line represents the number of organisations at that point in time, during the selected time frame.
    • The bar chart counts the total number of organisations. Each bar represents the number of organisations that created a page on that day or within that month, during the selected time frame.
  • By cause
    • This pie chart counts the organisation pages that were created during the selected time frame. It represents the number of organisations that are linked to a specific cause. Organisations that are linked to multiple causes count for each cause.
  • On a map
    • This map shows organisation (pages) that were created during the selected time frame. It shows their location.
  • Who used the volunteer pool
    • This table shows the applications that were created (during the selected time frame) because organisations contacted users via the volunteer pool. It counts the current status of these applications (approached, accepted, pending, declined, withdrawn, on reserve list).
  • Per SDG
    • This pie chart counts the organisation pages that were created during the selected time frame. It shows the number of organisations that are linked to a particular SDG. Organisations that are linked to multiple SDGs count for each SDG.


We use Fathom Analytics to measure, collect, analyze, and report on the web traffic that visits your platform. See Best practices: Using web analytics for more information.



Are you missing numbers, do you have questions, or would you like to brainstorm about what the numbers mean? Contact your Partnership Manager.