How do I delete a user from the volunteer pool?

Deleting volunteers / users from the volunteer pool. Volunteer bank.

Sometimes it can be useful if you can manually remove someone from the volunteer pool. For example, if an organization has registered. Fortunately, this can be done very easily.

  1. Go to "data" > "users" via the admin panel and find the right user.

  2. Click on the name and the profile appears.

  3. Click on the "edit" icon (see image below) of the profile you want to remove from the pool.

  4. Uncheck the options "Join our Volunteer Pool [...]" and potentially "Join our Crisis Pool [...]" (you can find these options at the bottom of the profile page).

  5. Click on "save changes".

  6. The user has now been removed from the volunteer pool.



The process from "data" > "users":

The "edit" icon:



The same process, but in reverse, applies to manually adding a user to the volunteer pool.