How do I customize the navigation bar?

Add / remove a link from the navigation bar. Change menu bar. Arrange menu.

As a platform admin, you have the option to customize the menu bar by adding, removing, or arranging links. Below we explain how. At the bottom of this article you will also find an explainer video.

To customize the navigation bar:

  1. Log in as platform admin
  2. Click on the profile icon at the top right and then on “Administration panel”.
  3. Then click on "Settings".
  4. Then click on "Navbar". Here you can add / remove links from the menu bar.
  5. You have two options:
    1. You click on "Add item" if you want to add one link without a submenu.
    2. You click on "Add dropdown" if you want to add a submenu with multiple links / items.


  • A maximum of 6 items/menus can be in the navigation bar.
  • You cannot convert an existing item to a menu. Are the buttons not clickable? First remove the item/menu you want to replace. Then you can add a new option.

To add an item:

  1. If you click on "Add item" a new "Untitled" item will appear.
  2. Then click on the item and the options will appear.
  3. By adding a text under "Label" you can give the link a name. The shorter the better.
  4. Under "Links to" you can indicate to which URL the item should link.

To add a dropdown:

  1. If you click on "Add Menu" a new "Untitled" item will appear.
  2. Then click on the item and the options will appear.
  3. By adding a text under "Label" you can give the menu item a name. The shorter the better.
  4. Below that you will see the submenu where you can add an item in the same way as described above.

To delete an item / menu:

  1. When you click on an item or menu the options appear.
  2. By clicking on the red trash can button you remove an item or menu.
    1. If you delete a menu, you also delete all sub-items

Good to know

  • If you click and hold the "=" symbol in front of the item or menu, you can arrange an item or menu.
  • Do you have a multilingual platform? Each language has its own menu. So you will have to create or update the menu per language.



Explainer video: