How do I create (regional) teams within my organization?

Teams, groups, regional departments.


When this functionality is active (the slide button is colored), you can create teams within your organization. With the teams functionality you could keep an easy overview of regional departments within your organization page. Even as a complex organization, you'll be able to easily keep a clear overview. 


How does it work?

Teams are a great solution for organisations if your organisation has different parts, teams, or goals. As an organisation administrator, you allow the teams to manage their own organisation, which means they can add volunteer positions, activities, workshops and events without having to manage the entire organisation. This makes your organisation more manageable, reduces the number of people involved in managing your organisation, and at the same time gives more autonomy to the teams.

After the next two videos about enabling teams within the organisation and creating teams within the organisation, have a look at some of the functionalities of teams.


Enabling teams in your organisation

  1. Press on the profile icon at the top-right of your screen

  2. Go to your organization page (click on the icon in the top-right corner of your organization page, select the drop-down menu)

  3. Go to the "Settings" tab and then press the "Customize" tab

  4. Click on the disc next to "Teams" to turn on Regional teams or groups

  5. When this is enabled, the disc colours, and regional teams appear in the left menu.

Enabling teams

Creating teams in your organisation

  1. Click on the profile icon on the top right of your screen

  2. Select the organisation for which you want to change the settings in the drop-down menu

  3. You are now on the organisation page

  4. Select the tab "Regional Teams"

  5. Click on "+ Add Team"

  6. Fill in the team name, the team description, possibly a background picture, and the location of your team

  7. Click on Create

You can find your team under the tab "Regional Teams" (see steps 1-4). It will also appear under "organisations" in step 2.


Creating teams

Team functionalities


Create opportunity and add admins

As a team admin, you can independently create a volunteering opportunity and add your own administrators. Please note: an administrator of a regional team is not automatically the administrator of an organisation!


Overview of team activities and opportunities

As an organisation administrator, you can see all the vacancies posted by all the regional teams. On your organisation page, click on activities and you will be taken to this overview. Directly under your location you will see who created these vacancies and you will have a complete overview. This is in contrast to the team administrators. They only see an overview of their own vacancies.