Ask a volunteer to upload a file with their application

Resume, CV, curriculum, drivers license, application form

You might need some specific information from a volunteer before considering their application, like their CV or drivers license or an application file. You can ask a volunteer to upload a file when they apply for your opportunity/role.

  1. Go to your organisation page

  2. Create/edit a form, and add a "file upload" option

  3. Don't forget to uncheck "allow non-logged in users to view and submit this form"

  4. If a volunteer needs to download an application form first, you can add a link to the application file. You can add it in "Additional text for the question".

  5. Add the form to your opportunity

  6. Find the files that volunteers have added in the "applications"

Adding the "file upload" option to your opportunity/role

Adding a link the the application form