As platform admin, how can I publish vacancies / workshops / activities on other sites?

Embedding. Show vacancies, workshops and activities on other sites. Using Embed Code.

You can easily have your vacancies / workshops / activities shown and automatically updated on other websites with the help of embed codes (also see: Tips & Tricks: embed codes). At the bottom of this page you will find an explanation video. The explanation in short:

  1. Generate an embed code using an activity section within the page editor. See the more detailed explanation below.

  2. Share the code with the administrator of the other site. The administrator of the other site can place that piece of code where he wants to display the vacancies / workshops / activities.

  3. If a vacancy / workshop / activity is clicked, the visitor will be forwarded to your platform.

You can fine-tune exactly which vacancies / workshops / activities are shown on the basis of location, tags and organization. This makes the possibilities endless. A few examples:

  • The local council website shows the latest activities.

  • A campaign website aimed at more sports and exercise shows all upcoming activities related to sports & recreation.

  • The bakery wants to show its local involvement by promoting activities within a radius of 1 km.

  • The hospital creates a page for citizen participation in healthcare and shows all volunteer jobs related to healthcare and/or welfare.

How do I create an embed code?

  1. Make sure you are logged in with the correct permissions

  2. Click on 'Edit this page' in the footer. You are now in the page editor.

  3. Click on the '+ sign' to add a new section.

  4. Select 'Opportunities'.

  5. A popup will appear. You can now fine-tune which activities you want to show:

    1. Sorting: upcoming first or newest first. PLEASE NOTE: if you choose manually, the embed code will not work because the activities on the external website will not be automatically updated.

    2. Quantity: up to 3 / 6 / 12 / 100 / 250.

    3. Tags: all tags are listed below each other. First come all activity tags, then all causes tags and finally any platform-specific tags.

    4. Location: any location, specific location or based on zip code groups.

    5. Type: vacancies /workshops / activities.

    6. Organization: select one specific organization. Organizations can also generate this code themselves, see: how do I show opportunities on my own website?

    7. SDGs: select the desired SDGs.

  6. Then click on 'Copy HTML embed code for this section'. NOTE: you will not see that you have now copied the code. It is best to immediately save this code somewhere (eg in a word document or an e-mail). so you don't lose it and have to generate and copy the code again.

  7. You can now forward this code to the administrator of the other site. The administrator should know where / how he / she can place the code.

Explanation video: