Tips & Tricks: meta data

The importance of a page title, description and image. SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Search engines. Meta title. Meta descrption.

The meta data includes a number of hidden elements that every web page has. The most important are:

  • Meta title

  • Meta description

  • Meta image

You use these elements to determine what is shown in search engines and what appears on social media when someone shares the URL of that page. Also see:

The function of meta data

Every web page has a title, description and in most cases also an image (together these are called meta data). This meta data has the following functions:

  • The title and text you see when the page is displayed in a search engine like google (see image).

  • The title, text and image you see when the page is shared on social media.

  • The keywords with which a page is found.

If this text appeals to the user and it fits what the user is looking for, they will be more likely to click on the link. So if your meta title and description contain the right words, you will be found faster!

Below we give share a few tips and tricks on how you can optimize the findability and visibility of your web page.

Tips & Tricks:

  • Don't make the description too long, but don't make it too short either. We recommend using a maximum of 150 characters.

  • Start the description with one of the following words: discover, who, what, where, when, why, how, learn, read, click here.

  • The imperative can help move people to action.

  • Make sure the title and description contain the most important words of the text on the web page. If it is the contact page, the word contact should definitely be in the title and description.

  • Consider: what search query do I want to be found with? "Volunteering in City", "Volunteering in County"?

  • Avoid words that are not relevant to your webpage, to have more space for relevant words.

  • Make sure the page goal, location, target audience and your organisation name are in the page description.

    • Goal: e.g. "Seaching for volunteer work that suits you?"

    • Location: e.g. "Seaching for volunteer work that suits you in Location!" If the site is for a municipality or county, try to include as many town names in the description.

    • Target groups: e.g. "Seaching for volunteer work that suits you in Location! Find the best activities for volunteers."

    • Organisation name: e.g. "Seaching for volunteer work that suits you in Location! Find the best activities for volunteers on Organisation name."


No guarantees

There is no guarantee that everything will show exactly as you entered it. Google is known for overruling this kind of data if they think there is a better fit.