How do I customize/change the terms for activities on the site?

Names. Personalize. Personalise. Expressions. Definitions.

To ensure the platform suits your needs the best way possible, you can customize the terms for volunteering opportunities, workshops and community events. This article explains which terms are default, why you would customize the terms and how it affects the platform, and how to customize the terms.

Overview of standard terms for activities


Umbrella term for all the different activities offered on the platform. (Workshop, Community Event and Volunteering Opportunity)


One-day activity, for example to share knowledge. You can indicate if costs apply.

Community event

Activity that takes one or several days.

Volunteering opportunity

You post these if you are looking for people to support you/your organisation. There are different types. (Event, task, project role (temporary), organisation role)

Event, task, project role (temporary), organisation role

Different types of volunteering opportunities. Click on the big question mark with "I'm not sure" for more information. You'll find it in the opportunity overview or when you edit a volunteer vacancy.

Why customize terms and what is the impact on platform?

We offer many options within the platform so that it can be used for different types of organizations. You can share volunteering opportunity, workshops and community events. But maybe you offer jobs, initiatives, projects or trainings. You don't want you role to say "opportunity" to avoid confusion.


This is why we offer the possibility to choose the terms yourself. These terms can be found in various standard texts, such as in the opportunity overview and the organization page.


Below you will find two screenshots taken from same place in the opportunity overview (filter "type). The terms are customized differently.


EXAMPLE 1: Opportunities, one-off, date-bound...

EXAMPLE 2: Activities, tasks, events...

How do you customize terms?

  1. Go to the administration panel

  2. Go to settings

  3. Choose "customize names"

  4. Under the "Customize names" header, choose the language if necessary.

  5. Choose your preferred term for activities, workshops, community events and volunteering opportunity.

  6. PLEASE NOTE: these terms are case sensitive so don't use upper cases!

  7. Choose the article for the singular of the term: a or an.

  8. You can customize the types of vacancies (Task, event, project (temporary), structural work) at the very bottom of the page.

  9. Scroll down and click "save."