How can I edit my volunteering preferences?

Edit settings for volunteer work. How do I indicate which volunteer work I want to do?

  1. When you are logged in, press on the profile icon in the top-right of your screen. Then press on "settings".

  2. Press on the tab "Volunteering preferences"

  3. Here you can enter your preferences

Location: How do I edit my default location for the search for volunteer work? 

If you wish to do so, you can indicate a default location.  


When the website loads, the system will show you volunteer opportunities in and around your default location. When you do not select a default location, the system will select it based on your IP-address.  


Themes and categories I care about: How can I indicate which themes or categories have my preference?

You can indicate which themes or categories you find important when searching for volunteer work. The system will favour relevant opportunities by placing them higher in your search results. 


Activities: How do I indicate which activities have my preference? 

You can select several activities which you find important when searching for volunteer work. The system will favour relevant opportunities by placing them higher in your search results. 


Show activity on my profile

By enabling this functionality, opportunities, or events that you were a part of will be shown on your profile. Your activities become visible for anyone who views your profile.