Can I create opportunities that are only visible to members of my organisation?

Hide opportunities, events, activities. Secret opportunities. Organisation members-only opportunities.

  1. Click on the profile icon at the top right of your screen
  2. Select the organization for which you want to adjust the settings from the drop-down menu
  3. You will now arrive at the organization page
  4. Select the “Settings” tab
  5. Then select the heading “Customize”
  6. Here you can adjust the functionalities of your organization page.
  7. Activate "Create private activities".
Create private activities
When this functionality is active (the slider is colored), you can create activities that are only visible to the members of your organization. You do this by clicking "Member of my organization" under the conditions option when creating a vacancy.
Good to remember:
  • Private activities are only visible to members of your organization.
  • They are also visible to members of your organization in the activity bank.