How do I display vacancies / workshops / activities of my organization on my own (or another) website?

Embedding. Embed code. Show opportunities / workshops / activities on your own website. Or someone else's.

You can easily place your opportunities / workshops / activities on your own website via an embed. All you have to do is paste a piece of code into your website and your opportunities will also appear on your own website.


You can easily place your vacancies / workshops / activities on your own website (or that of someone else) using an embed code (also see: Tips & Tricks: embed codes). In fact, you can place that code anywhere on the web where you want to show your activities.


How do I get my embed code?

  1. Click on the profile icon at the top right of your screen.

  2. Select your organisation from the drop-down menu

  3. You are now on the organisation page

  4. Select the "Settings" tab on the left hand side

  5. Then go to the "embed" heading. You will then see the following screen:

Here you can choose whether you want to embed your vacancies in one column, in two columns or in three columns. See below:



When you have made your choice for one of the options, copy the code and paste it on your site. How you do that exactly depends on the technology your site is built on. Below we explain the process for Wordpress, Wix, Drupal, and Squarespace.


If you want to show your activities on another site, you can share the code with the administrator of that site.






  1. Log in to your administrator dashboard of your WordPress website.

  2. Go to the page where you want to embed your activities or create a new page.

  3. In the text editor of your page or message, click the "Text" tab in the upper right-hand corner of the editor window.

  4. Locate the location on the page on which you want the embed to appear and paste your organisation's embed code into the window.

  5. Publish or preview your page/message when finished. The area that used to contain the HTML embed code will now be replaced by the vacancies. You did it!




  1. Log in to your wix website admin dashboard

  2. Add the Wix app to your website where you want to post jobs.

  3. Choose the 'HTML code' option and add your organisation's embed code.





