How do I create an account?

Create account, register, create profile.

To register, in the top-right corner, press on Create account. You can choose to sign up using Facebook or do so via email.

How can I create an account using Facebook:

  1. Press on the blue button that says “Continue via Facebook”

  2. Agree with the Terms and conditions in order to continue

  3. Optionally: Give your newsletter consent

  4. Deedmob will automatically extract basic information from your Facebook profile such as your name, email and photo. 

How can I create an account via email:

  1. Enter your first (and last) name

  2. Enter the email address you'd like to receive notifications on

  3. Enter your password

  4. Agree with the Terms and conditions in order to continue

  5. Optionally: Give your newsletter consent

  6. Press on the "Create account" button

Next steps

You will now receive an e-mail to activate your account. Click on "Activate account" to activate your account.